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Celebrating Med-Surg nurses this week November 1-7. We can't thank you enough for all of your hardwork in serving patients in your care. #MSNW20 #NursingInspired

Learn more about Med-Surg Nursing or MSNW20 at:

Back To School

This #BackToSchool 👩🏾‍🏫season and first day of class will be one to remember beyond any other. You may be learning👩🏾‍💻 in the classroom or remotely at home. Either way you are making a sacrifice to help fill the shortage and contribute in your future career as a #nurse..."America's most trusted profession" and one of #healthcareheroes. Taking pre-requisites📚, nursing classes or attending clinical during such uncertain times will not be easy....on those days remember why you became 💡#NursingInspired👩🏾‍⚕️👨🏾‍⚕️ #prenursingstudents #nursingstudents #clinicals

Invest in your Future self

On this #MotivationMonday it seems about that time to remind to invest in your future self...your career in nursing. Back to school is right around the corner. You need to have that class schedule in order to learn what you need and to apply to nursing school #NursingInspired

Daydreaming - Are you inspired to be a nurse

Stop daydreaming and get going on what you've been inspired become...start taking actionable steps today #NursingInspired👩🏾‍⚕️👨🏾‍⚕️

💡NursingInspired 👩🏾‍🏫 inaugural 

Nurses Week event - Sunday 5/6/18

Recap video!





2018 Nursing Demographics report

The new 2018 Nursing Demographics report is out:

Have you seen it yet?

#diversity #nursing #nurse #prenursing #futurenurse #nursingstudents #minority #minorities #healthcare #nursinginspired

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